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Philippines Battles Oil Spill Crisis After Tanker Capsizes

```html Philippines Battles Oil Spill Crisis After Tanker Capsizes In a scenario that has triggered an environmental emergency, the Philippines is facing a significant challenge after a tanker capsized and unleashed a catastrophic oil spill. This event has caused a considerable impact on both marine life and local communities, forcing authorities and volunteers to mount a massive response effort. Amid the crisis, the resilience and collaborative spirit of the nation stand out as beacon of hope. Incident Overview: What Happened? The disaster occurred off the coast of the small island province of Oriental Mindoro. An ageing vessel, laden with thousands of gallons of industrial oil, encountered mechanical failure and rapidly began taking on water. Within a few precarious hours, the tanker capsized, releasing a staggering volume of crude oil into the delicate marine ecosystem. The Immediate Aftermath Blackened coastlines: The once pristine beaches are now blanketed in a thick
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